Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Are you looking for serious astrological works???

Hi Friends,

I'm Astrologer Jyotisha Ravi residing in Petaling Jaya. If you are looking for "SERIOUS ASTROLOGICAL WORKS" please call me for an appointment.

Gone are the days we hear astrologers of yester-years (there are many still around) whom are known to, cleverly use, jargonic or even ambiguous words to "beat-around-the-bush", so much so that, when one leaves the astrologer, one is
totally confused & lost. Some even more "terror" to say that you'll make/receive RM1 M, RM2.4 M, etc..etc...& etc... in 2 years time or so, and the list goes on and on loaded with the garbages they want us to force down our throat.......Is this real astrology??? Your guess is as good as mine...Commonlah, wake up and get real!

Perhaps, these methods are good for the real downtrodden and the desperates who badly need the "super-heroism" formula to feel upbeat & also to boost their morale!

Serious Astrology, on the other hand, is REALISTIC, and is based on TRUISM, without adding "maane", "thenne" or any other embroidery words! Get PROFESSIONAL, and insist on QUALITY works, that will genuinely SHAPE UP YOUR
LIFE, not "half-past-six works ".

How do I differ from other Astrologers?

I personally hand-write 30 to 40 pages of your life's happening, even before I meet you in person. And that's my unique specialty. Do you know anyone else doing this ?

My work covers the following :-

(1) Your specific Karmas in this life ;

(2) Your specific professions for your Birth Natshatra;

(3) Your specific professions for your Present Maha Dasha;

(4) Your Character Analysis with detailed explanations to know

(5) Your Heath issues in this life;

(6) Your "Report Card" in this life as per "BRAMMA'S WILL"  upon you will be revealed...good or bad with no holds barred ;

(7) Your "stanzas" or texts will be told to you in a well defined intellectual way;

(8) Specific details of month-to-month happenings will be told ;

(9) A critical evaluation of your charts with astrological solutions.

Call me for an appointment at 016-9700 001.

Get Professional Help! Do not suffer in silence with uncertainties!!!!
Total professional fee is RM150 net.

Thank You.

Your Malaysian Vedic Astrologer.
Contact No. 016-9700 001